Light harmonization therapy
A new experience for everyone with affirmations that integrate into being.
Nowadays it is possible to shape a life with affirmations, which was previously impossible. There are new forms of design possibilities in matter, which support the world of light channeled and imagined with shapes and colors. For this type you need a high vibration, which is provided with the accompaniment of pure light beings. The pure light beings are exclusively positive star beings. Nevertheless, the vibration can be created through initiative, perseverance, the will and the recognition of the world of light as real. Once the affirmation has been spoken, it continues until neither a thought nor words bring out the issues in a weakened form. The light harmonization therapy is a communication with your soul, which specifies the issues that are to be harmonized. Communication with the soul is possible with a tensor, the kinesiological finger-muscle test and other methods. The possibility of doing the light harmonization again on your own is provided with documents. The light harmonization therapy is individual in time. The topics of the physical body include the aura, the three-, four- and five-dimensional chakras, the glands, the meridians on the hands and feet, the secondary chakras, the organs, the spine, karmic matters, place of residence, magic, unmaterialized beings, structures, to name just a few. Living the new demands of the new age with high vibration means becoming aware that everything in matter is formed with thoughts, feelings and words.
Umbuchung & Kündigung
Cancellation / rebooking - Up to 24 hours before the start The payments are on Algeth Ohlmeier IBAN DE92200400000475237400 BIC COBADEFFXXX to be transferred or by appointment. Connected payment methods: Google Pay, Apple Pay, Credit/Debit Cards, Instant Bank Transfer, Manual
Friedrich-Ebert-Damm 48, 22047 Hamburg, Wandsbek, Germany