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Understanding light harmonization therapy


Updated: 5 days ago

The therapy is a responsibility to understand yourself as a person and to feel good about it. Personal responsibility comes first and will be maintained with the light world towards recovery. With the new form of therapy, it is to be understood that all components of recovery are treated and it is to be understood that everything that develops towards recovery requires a certain discipline in the form of thoughts and words in a positive direction. Positive thinking, feeling and speaking is a basic requirement for feeling good in matter. Matter is a form of condensation of energy and is visible. Energy is invisible. The higher the vibration, the higher the energy is ready to condense. In quantum physics, an attempt is made to observe an alignment of energy and also to leave it unobserved. It was found that energy adapts according to observation. Matter is created through observation. Observation is also guaranteed when something is said, thought or felt. Thus, a positive approach to moving towards recovery is the discipline of conscious living. My services are exclusively positive in the affirmations, meditations, channelings.

Light harmonization therapy is a form of harmonizing the entire being with spoken affirmations and it is a high-vibrational affirmation that makes what is said visible in matter. The affirmations are all created and channeled with pure light beings. The soul of the customer speaks to the customer's higher self about which pure light beings may accompany them. The pure light beings are usually already close to the customer in previous incarnations and the customer's soul decides what is to be harmonized in the here and now. The soul has incarnated to learn. The soul can be brought in for every light harmonization therapy, as it is often on other planets, so in matter it is more devoted to the physical appearance and the ego is at work.

Light harmonization therapy is a form of communication with the soul, which is familiar with all information from previous incarnations through the higher self and this incarnation is ready to learn something and live in the customer's body. The soul has found the customer's environment to be the right place to incarnate. The soul is ready to support the development in a positive direction of being, so that the customer's positive direction is shown in communication with the soul. Communication with the soul is to do light harmonization and to show itself with action in matter.

Light harmonization therapy is a form of communication with the soul. The affirmations are integrated into the being with high vibration and continue until neither thoughts nor words bring out the issues in a weakened form. With the provided underlays it is possible to harmonize yourself again. The possibility of using light harmonization therapy in all areas is given. This means that I am able to offer the latest version in the price plan and you can therefore harmonize your being on your own responsibility. All areas of being also include light harmonization therapy for animals, places, nature, children up to 5 years old, to be harmonized without asking and others to be harmonized with their consent. Consent is important, otherwise the affirmations will not reach the other person, nor will your own field be disturbed and entanglements, magic, etc. will be resolved in a meaningful way.

With my work, it is a new way of being in harmony with the physical body, soul and spirit.

With light harmonization therapy, the possibilities of harmonizing being in its current state are given.

With the blog, it is a new approach to explain the reality of the ascended earth and to be aware of the responsibility of your being.

Awareness is given in that the procedure of light harmonization therapy can be read in the contents of my book "Light Harmonization of Being in the Ascension of the Earth" and in the chapter "Hold on tight" the arrangement of the affirmations from the karmic to the spine is documented and can be done at your own pace.

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