The others are in a different stage of development. The new direction requires willpower and so the light body process can take place. For everyone, the development into a light body is the same, only the order is different. For most, it is a time of decisions that are made in order to consciously shape their lives. For others, the other is either in a phase that is on the same path, or it is a phase that requires a certain distance to go through the development towards a light body that consciously shapes its life. For everyone, it is a new challenge to deal with the high energies on earth. Light harmonization covers all areas that enable a positive life. With the new form of light harmonization therapy, a new era has emerged and can be applied to everyone. The possibility of entering the new era is linked to self-discipline and willpower. For the high vibration, it is possible to ask the pure light beings to accompany you. The pure light beings are happy to accompany you if you wish, and the pure light beings are exclusively positive star beings from all universes. The new knowledge about the new era is accessible to everyone through channeling, through thoughtlessness, through loving everything that is.
For others, it is a different way of seeing things, lived with awareness. The difference cannot be seen externally, but the attention on everything that is, channeled to the divine source, is to be kept, as well as to stay with yourself, as well as to experience yourself in unconditional love, as well as to live the joy of everything that is, as well as to live the surrender of the moment. The soul is in communication with the body and the spirit through light harmonization. For the high vibration, it is possible to keep yourself in a high vibration and it is also possible to ask the pure light beings to accompany you. The new orientation is to be lived with personal responsibility and can be supported with light harmonization. With the new light harmonization therapy it is possible to stay healthy and to direct your being in a positive direction. With the high energies on earth, the pure light beings are ready to support, train and accompany you. In the new era it is easy to move in joy. With high vibrations, matter is ready to adapt to the high vibration. The body has absorbed the high vibration as a new alignment and so it is everyone's responsibility to maintain this new alignment. The new era began on December 21st, 2012 and it is a way to escape the karma game on earth and at the same time the high vibration is a way for all universes to vibrate higher.
The decision to adapt to the high vibrations is supported by pure light beings who accompany my work in every way. With the light harmonization therapy it will be possible to stay healthy with personal responsibility. Once the light harmonization therapy has been carried out, it lasts until the issues have not been brought out in a weakened form, either through thoughts or words. For the services that I offer, a repeated application is successful because the issues are again treated in a weakened form. The services are all accompanied by pure light beings from the Pleiades, Pluto and Mercury. The pure light beings that accompany the customer are attuned to the customer's soul and the customer's higher self. The pure light beings have often been close to the customer in other incarnations and thus have the ability to be consciously perceived by the customer. With the new form of communication there are also new possibilities in matter that can be consciously used. For example, different things appear in matter for customers with a high vibration than for others. The new orientation can be permanently integrated into being through channeling, meditations and affirmations and can manifest itself in a positive form of being. The divine is consciousness free of thoughts and works in the heart of the customer when there is thoughtlessness. Channeling is possible in thoughtlessness and shows the customer's soul the world of light where it is brightest for the customer. Communication with the customer's soul is also possible with light harmonization therapy and meditation. The possibility of asking questions to one's own soul requires practice with a tensor, the kinesiological finger-muscle test, hand-swinging and other possibilities that serve to make the subtle vibrations of the soul visible. The soul always gives the answers where the brightest light is. With all measuring methods, to tell the soul what it can answer with "yes" and "no". With the tensor, a "yes" can be determined by rotating clockwise and a "no" is when the tensor rotates anti-clockwise. With the measuring methods, it is appropriate to ensure beforehand that the right soul lives in you with the affirmation, "I am neither an involuntary walk-in soul nor an involuntary dual soul. The right soul lives in me. My soul is 100% incarnated and my self-acceptance is 100%." The souls stay with the customer and support all of the customer's activities. By working with light harmonization, the soul is able to stay with the customer and thus approach the divine.
For the new era, it is only possible to keep yourself in a high vibration, to communicate with your soul, to communicate with the pure beings of light, to work with the divine by being with yourself, to love yourself and everything that is from the heart.