The pure light beings are present and are happy to accompany you if you wish. The high vibration is maintained and can be integrated into your being with the affirmations. There is enough time for personal responsibility to become aware that your being can be given a new direction. The pure light beings are exclusively positive star beings from all universes. My work is accompanied by pure light beings from the Pleiades, Pluto and Mercury in this time of change. With these affirmations, with active participation, it is possible to move towards recovery. The pure light beings keep the vibration high and have been ready to accompany anyone since December 21, 2012 if they wish. The Maya predicted a time frame of 2012 to 2032 for the new era. The pure light beings support the new era with their high vibration. The Galactic Council decided to raise the energy of the Earth and since December 21st, 2012 the pure light beings have been ready to keep the vibration high and accompany us. For the galaxies, the Earth is an opportunity to vibrate higher themselves. People wanted a way to escape the game of karma. Both are now possible and include the conscious form of being on Earth. With 4 components it is possible to consciously shape your life, which is possible on Earth in high vibration.
Lightharmonization listen on YouTube with subtitles
We repeatedly move our hand from top to bottom and manifest the following by saying it once in order to consciously shape the energies and language is a higher form of manifestation and thoughtlessness prevails when speaking.
Get the right soul
“I am neither an involuntary walk-in soul nor an involuntary dual soul. The right soul lives in me and all the wrong souls are gone.”
Past lives
“Everything negative from past lives in general has been dissolved. In all past lives everything was always light and love.”
Negative karmic
“If I have negative karma and it can be dissolved, I ask God for mercy and dissolve my negative karma.
If others have negative karma towards me and they still have something to learn, I dissolve myself from their karma.
If others have negative karma towards me and they have nothing more to learn, I manifest that they have received the message that I have forgiven them, so that their negative karma is dissolved."
"All karmic dependencies are dissolved in me."
"All karmic contracts are dissolved in me."
"All fears have been transformed into security."
"All vows are dissolved in me."
Negative magic
"All curses, curses that are intended to prevent me from making spiritual progress and all other types of curses are dissolved in me."
Black magic is manipulation.
"Black magic and all hidden forms are dissolved in me."
Gray magic is abuse of power.
"Gray magic and all hidden forms are dissolved in me."
Red magic is sexual abuse or sexual fantasies.
“Red magic and all hidden forms are dissolved in me.”
“Dissolved are all curses, oaths, promises, soul promises, contracts, soul contracts, oaths, spells, sealings, hexes, pacts, negative initiations, negative rituals, negative symbols, black masses, scapegoat practices, vows, love spells, whispers, evil eye and all other negative spells.”
Negative beings
“All demons that arose from the negative spell are dissolved.”
“All guardians that are supposed to guard the negative spell are dissolved.”
“All twin, triplet souls, etc. are gone. Every form of attachment is dissolved on both sides.”
“All negative beings stay away.”
“All cords, ties, etc. are dissolved in me.”
“All entanglements are dissolved in me.”
“I always think and feel positively and always love everything that is.”
“All soul occupations, such as negative beings, structures, crystals, etc. are removed from my soul.”
“All of my soul parts are 100% incarnated in me and the soul parts of others are removed from my soul.”
Influences from others and inner child
“I always stay completely with myself. All influences from parents, ancestors, children, siblings, relatives and all other people on me remain dissolved.”
“I am released from all negative morphogenetic fields. The influences of the fields on me remain dissolved.”
“My field radiates pure and wide. My resonances with others remain dissolved.”
“My inner child is healthy and happy.”
“My blood is renewed and filled with oxygen and joy of life.”
“My body is detoxified.”
“My cells are healthy.”
“The cerebrospinal fluid, body fluids, nerve plexuses, lymphatic system, hormones, enzymes, metabolism, bones, tendons, ligaments, joints, DNA are all good.”
Aliens “All alien implants have been removed. There are only positive star beings.”
Local earth healing (sleeping place):
“The place is in space and time.”
“The energies are positive.”
“The thoughts and feelings are positive.”
“The earth plates are in the right place.”
“The scars on the earth’s surface have been eliminated.”
“The earth vents are closed.”
“The earth rays, electrosmog and cell phone rays have been eliminated.”
“All negative beings have been removed.”
“The negative magic has been eliminated.”
“All negative objects have been removed.”
“The bed is good where the head, upper body, arms, lower body, legs and feet are.”
Elimination: “All negative heavy metals, vaccine damage, drug residues, viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, toxins, negative radioactivity and everything else negative are eliminated.”
Intake: “I have enough vitamins, minerals, nutrients and all other positive substances that my body needs.”
“My aura is my aura.”
“The aura is cleansed.”
“The rays of health extend to the sides like the sun.”
“All negative structures have been removed.”
“All negative beings have been removed.”
“All holes have been closed.”
“All black holes have been closed.”
“My aura is in the right place, centered around me.”
“Black, brown and/or gray have been removed from my aura.”
“There are very beautiful colors in my aura.”
“Above my head is the “pole up.” I live my spiritual potential.”
“Under my feet is the “pole down.” I am well grounded and have resolved all entanglements. I have worked through my karma and increased my vibration.”
“I am complete emptiness. All muscles are relaxed. My body is alkaline.”
“I am deeply relaxed when I think of all other people.”
“I am deeply relaxed when I think of negative beings.”
“The earth rays, cell phone rays and electrosmog have dissolved.”
“My physical body is good. I treat my physical body with care and love.”
“My etheric body is good. I always think and act positively and have reached perfection through this.”
“My emotional body is good. I live my ability to love.”
“My mental body is good. I think from the soul-spiritual level and act from the heart.”
“My causal body is good. I live my mediality and creativity.”
“My soul body is good. I let my intuition guide me.”
“My spiritual body is good. I am connected to the morphogenetic field of knowledge.”
“The metabolism of my aura is good. It transforms the energies it absorbs and releases them again.”
“My nadis are good. I recognize, feel and transform everything immediately.”
“My morpho field is good. All negative influences from others and from the outside are removed from my morpho field.”
“My nirvana field is good. The pure beings of light and the divine are in my nirvana field.”
“My light aura is good. I live my enlightenment.”
“My vital shell is good. My life energy is 100% available to me.”
Harmonizing the three-dimensional chakras
Root chakra (red): “My root chakra is good. I experience my life on earth as easy and joyful.”
Sacral chakra (orange): “My sacral chakra at the front is good. I have transformed all primal fears into primal trust and let go of all negative memories of the past.”
“My sacral chakra at the back is good. I love my sex life the way it is.”
Solar plexus chakra (yellow): “My solar plexus chakra in the front is good. I digest life with ease.”
“My solar plexus chakra in the back is good. I experience great peace in the here and now.”
Heart chakra (green, pink): “My heart chakra in the front is good. I love myself and everyone else.”
“My heart chakra in the back is good. I perceive that the pure beings of light and the divine love me.”
Throat chakra (blue): “My throat chakra in the front is good. I have open and peaceful communication.”
“My throat chakra in the back is good. The higher self speaks through me.”
Third eye (violet): “My third eye in the front is good. I always rest calmly in my center. I always think and feel positively and always love everything that is.”
“My third eye is completely open. I am clairvoyant.”
“My third eye in the back is good. I have visions.”
Crown chakra (white): “My crown chakra is good. I am connected or one with the pure beings of light and the divine.”
“All cracks and holes in the three-dimensional chakra protection networks are closed.”
“All negative structures are removed.”
“All negative beings are removed.”
“All chakras are the right size.”
“All axes are in the right position.”
“All chakras are in the right place.”
“The three-dimensional chakras communicate with each other and with the aura.”
Harmonizing the four and five dimensional chakras
“The fifth dimensional earth star chakra is good. I am connected to the center of the ascended earth and I am pursuing my life's purpose.”
“The fourth and fifth dimensional root chakra is good. My kundalini has risen to the fourth and fifth dimensional root chakra, which makes me filled with joy and delight. I feel completely safe and trust that the universe will take care of me.”
“The four and five dimensional sacral chakra is good. I live the transcendent sexuality that gives tender expression to true love. My relationships are neither demanding nor needy, but confident and yet loving.”
“The fifth dimensional navel chakra at the belly button is good. I am cut off from the umbilical cord.”
“The four and five dimensional solar plexus chakra is good. I am peaceful and wise and have the ability to calm people and situations.”
“The four and five dimensional heart chakra is good. I see everyone and everything through the eyes of love because I am connected to the cosmic heart.”
“The four- and five-dimensional throat chakra is good. I am protected.”
“The four- and five-dimensional third eye is good. I am enlightened, healthy and rich.”
“The four- and five-dimensional crown chakra is good. The light of my soul flows into me and reaches the lower chakras.”
“The five-dimensional causal chakra is good. I am open and receptive so that the beings of the higher spiritual worlds send the seeds of wisdom directly into my consciousness.”
“The five-dimensional soul star chakra is good. The karma of my ancestors has been transformed. I have access to the wisdom of my soul in everyday life.”
“The five-dimensional star gate chakra is good. There are only positive star beings.”
“All chakras communicate with each other and with the aura.”
“The adrenal glands are good. I experience that my existence is secured on all levels at all times and that my soul is immortal.”
“The ovaries and testicles are good. I am in contact with my inner child and love children. I feel respected and valued as a woman and man. Twin souls etc. are in the spiritual realms.'
“The pancreas is good. I experience life as sweet.”
“The thymus gland is good. I always think and feel positively, love everything that is and therefore have a good immune system.”
“The thyroid (and parathyroid glands) are good. I have always felt big in the past, feel big in the here and now and think and feel in abundance, i.e. positively.”
“The pituitary gland is good. I am in higher states of consciousness and am getting younger and younger.”
“The hypothalamus is good. My brain only contains positive memories.”
“My pineal gland is good. I absorb the light energies of the universes.”
“All negative structures are removed from the glands.”
“All negative entities are removed from the glands.”
“All glands are in the right place.”
“All glands communicate with each other and with the aura and the chakras.”
From thumb to little finger:
Lymphatic system: “My lymph meridian and my lymph system are good. I surrender myself to the flow of life with unconditional love.”
Lungs: “My lung meridian is good. I love breathing the air on earth. I love living.”
Large intestine: “My large intestine meridian is good. I have let go of everything that doesn’t really belong to me.”
Nerves: “My nerve meridian and my nervous system are good. I always rest calmly in my center.”
Circulation: “My circulatory meridian is good. My heart leaps for joy.”
Allergy: “My allergy meridian is good. I love everything that is. All of my allergies and intolerances have been resolved via the allergy meridian, the thymus gland, the life calendar and the thoracic spine.”
Organ regeneration: “My organ regeneration meridian is good. I love that life is change.”
Triple Warmer: “My triple warmer meridian is good. I have the optimal body temperature.”
Heart: “My heart meridian is good. I love myself and everyone else.”
Small Intestine: “My small intestine meridian is good. I am open to new experiences.”
From big toe to little toe:
Left spleen: “My spleen meridian is good. I have turned worries into joy.”
Right pancreas: “My pancreas meridian is good. My life is sweet.”
Liver: “My liver meridian is good. I don’t criticize myself or others.”
Joints: “My joint meridian is good. I am agile in life.”
Stomach: “My stomach meridian is good. I digest life with ease.”
Connective tissue: “My connective tissue meridian is good. My life is filled with elasticity and firmness.”
Skin: “My skin meridian is good. I feel safe in contact with others and with the outside world.”
Fat regeneration: “My fat regeneration meridian is good. I am generous.”
Gall bladder: “My gall bladder meridian is good. I have transformed anger into peace.”
Kidneys: “My kidney meridian is good. All my relationships are harmonious.”
Bladder: “My bladder meridian is good. I have transformed fear into security.”
“All negative structures have been removed from my meridians.”
“All negative beings have been removed from my meridians.”
“All meridians are in the right place.”
“My meridians communicate with each other and with the aura, the chakras and the glands.”
Secondary chakras
“The coccyx is good. I experience that my existence is secure on all levels and at all times and that my soul is immortal.”
“The feet are good. I am moving forward in life, always in the right direction.”
“The knees are good. I am humble.”
“The hips, groin, sacroiliac joints are good. I have transformed sadness into joy and resignation into basic trust.”
“The spleen chakra is good. I have transformed worries into joy.”
“The heart chakra is good. I love myself and everyone else.”
“The hands are good. I tackle life with strength.”
“The elbows are good. The time of asserting myself is over for me.”
“The shoulders, armpits and collarbones are good. My life is easy. All negative beings have been removed from my neck.”
“My atlas is good. The energies of the pure beings of light and the divine flow into my body and into my energetic systems. Thinking (head) and feeling (cervical spine) are connected with each other in my life.”
“All trauma from this life has been resolved. Conception in the mother’s womb, birth, childhood, puberty and adulthood were good.
All trauma from all past lives have been resolved. Conceptions in all mothers’ wombs, births, childhood, puberty, adulthood and transitions into death were good.”
:All negative structures have been removed from my secondary chakras.”
“All negative beings have been removed from my secondary chakras.”
“All secondary chakras are in the right place.”
“The secondary chakras communicate with each other and with the aura, the chakras, glands and meridians.”
"My brain is good. My left brain is good. I always think positively. My right brain is good. I let my intuition guide me. My brain halves are connected. Thinking and intuition are connected in my case."
"My eyes are good. I like to see everything I see. Nearsightedness: I look forward to my future and also look outside. Farsightedness: I also look inside. Presbyopia: I am flexible in my views."
"My nose is good. I like to smell everything I smell. I never stick my nose into other people's business, but stick to my own business. I'm not fed up with anything, but experience my life as it is."
"My ears are good. I like to hear everything I hear."
"My mouth, teeth, jaw joint and gums are good. I make clear decisions in my life and put them into action. Good is top left tooth number 12345678. Good is top right tooth number 12345678. Good is bottom left tooth number 12345678. Good is bottom right tooth number 12345678."
"My throat is good. I communicate openly and peacefully."
"My lungs are good. I love breathing the air on earth. I love living."
"My heart is good. I love myself and everyone else."
"My breasts are good. I have let go of any form of helper syndrome and allow others their independence."
"My stomach is good. I digest life with ease."
"My spleen is good. I have turned worry into joy."
"My liver is good. I don't criticize myself or others."
"My gallbladder is good. I have turned anger into peace."
"My large intestine is good. I have let go of everything that doesn't belong to me."
"My small intestine is good. I am open to new experiences."
"My bladder is good. I have turned fear into security."
"My uterus, penis and prostate are good. I am in touch with my inner child, love children, love being a woman or a man. Twin souls etc. are in the spiritual realms."
"My kidneys are good. I experience all my relationships as harmonious, nurturing and supportive."
"All polyps have been removed from the large intestine, small intestine and all other organs.
All fibroids have been removed from the uterus, kidneys and all other organs.
All cysts have been removed from the gums, uterus and all other organs.
All stones have been removed from the liver, gallbladder, kidneys and all other organs.”
“All negative structures have been removed from my organs.”
“All negative entities have been removed from my organs.”
“All organs are in the right place.”
“My organs communicate with each other and with the aura, chakras, glands, meridians and secondary chakras.”
“My cervical spine is good. I always feel positive. Good are cervical vertebrae number 1234567.
My thoracic spine is good. I am connected to my higher self or one. Good are thoracic vertebrae number 123456789101112.
My lumbar spine is good. I experience that my existence is secured on all levels at all times. Good are lumbar vertebrae number 12345, sacrum and coccyx.
My spine is optimally supplied with fluids, nutrients and calcium. All bones have the optimal density. Atlas and coccyx are good and communicate with each other. Spinal fluid is good and flows optimally up and down and up and down the spine."
"All negative structures are removed from my spine."
"All negative entities are removed from my spine."
"All vertebrae and discs are in the right place."
"My vertebrae and discs communicate with each other. The spine communicates with the aura, chakras, glands, meridians, secondary chakras and organs."
"The energies of others are removed from my aura, chakras, glands, meridians, secondary chakras, organs and spine."
Light harmonization for the 5th dimension.
Integrating the soul into my being
'My soul is 100% incarnated and integrated and harmonized with all soul parts as one soul.'
'In the here and now my food is always bright, pure light on the ascended earth in high vibration and it is the same where the food comes from and where it goes.'
Past lives
'In all my past lives everything was always light.'
'It has been resolved in me, I thank God, transform it into light and thank everyone involved.
If others still have something to learn, I release myself from their karma.
When others have learned everything, I manifest that I have forgiven them.’
‘Spiritual progress has become established in me.’
‘For me there are only pure beings of light.
Joy of life
‘Light is everywhere in and around me.’
‘Love surrounds everything about me.’
‘I always love everything that is.’
‘All of my soul parts are 100% incarnated in me. I am neither an involuntary walk-in soul nor an involuntary twin soul. The right soul lives in me.’
Influences from others are ineffective and self-confidence as a goddess/god is 100%
‘I always stay completely with myself.’
‘I smile and the vibration rises and harmonizes so that my love feeds into the field.’
‘My field radiates pure and wide.’
‘My inner child is healthy and happy. I bring my inner child into youthful adulthood in the divine image.’
‘Joy of life flows through my veins.’
‘My cells heal themselves as the goddess/god that I am.’
‘I think it is possible that the goddess, the god, the one that I am experiences herself in unconditional love.’
‘There are only pure beings of light and the divine in my being.’
Ascended earth
‘My energies are positive and high-vibrating.’
‘I have ascended, consciously free of thoughts, always love everything that is, am in the here and now.’
‘Only positive things are fed into my field and it is absorbed into the universal field.’
‘Universal knowledge is accessible to me.’
‘Channeling supports my consciousness with clairvoyance, clairaudience, bright taste, bright smell, bright feel."
As a goddess, God, I helped create the ascended earth.'
'My aura is pure light and my aura is my aura.'
'My aura is centered around me.'
'Above my head is my 'pole up'. I live my spiritual potential.'
'Below my feet is my 'pole down'. I am well grounded.'
'Consciousness free of thoughts flows through my being.'
'I treat my physical body with care and love.'
'I have reached perfection.'
'I live my ability to love.'
'I alone act from the heart and as a goddess/god I am present in the here and now.'
'I live my mediumship and creativity.'
'I let myself be accompanied by the pure light beings.'
'I am connected to the morphogenetic field of knowledge.'
'I recognize, feel and transform everything immediately.'
'The pure light beings and the divine are in my nirvana field.'
'I live my enlightenment.'
'My life energy is 100% available to me. As a goddess/god I am connected to the divine source. ‘
Harmonizing the three-dimensional chakras
‘My life on earth is easy and joyful.’
‘My basic trust is from the beginning to all eternity.’
‘I love my sex life as it is.’
‘I digest life with ease.’
‘I am indescribably happy in the here and now.’
‘I always love everything.’
‘I know that the pure beings of light and the divine love me.’
‘I communicate openly and peacefully.’
‘The higher self speaks through me.’
‘I always rest calmly in my center.’
‘I have visions.’
‘I am connected or one with the pure beings of light and the divine.’
‘My three-dimensional chakras communicate with each other and with my Aura.’
Harmonizing the four and five dimensional chakras
‘I am connected to the center of the ascended earth.’
‘I feel completely safe and trust that the universe will take care of me.’
‘My relationships are confident and yet loving.’
‘I am cut off.’
‘I am peaceful and wise and have the ability to harmonize.’
‘I see everyone and everything through the eyes of love because I am connected to the cosmic heart.’
‘I am protected.’
‘I am enlightened and healthy.’
‘The light of my soul flows into me and reaches the lower chakras.’
‘I am open to the pure beings of light and the divine.’
‘I have access to the wisdom of my soul in everyday life.’
‘There are only positive Star Beings.’
‘My fourth and fifth dimensional chakras communicate with each other and with all of my other chakras and with my aura.’
'On all levels and at all times my soul is immortal.'
'As a woman or man I respect and value myself. 100% self-acceptance.'
'I experience life as sweet.'
'I love everything that exists and therefore have a good immune system. All my allergies and intolerances have been resolved via the allergy meridian, the thymus gland, the life calendar and the thoracic spine.'
'I feel great in the here and now. I have good self-confidence.'
'I am in higher states of consciousness.'
'I am light.'
'I absorb the light energies of the pure light beings. The pure light beings are positive star beings.’
‘My glands communicate with each other and with my aura and my chakras.’
‘I surrender myself to the flow of life in unconditional love. I like to live an attitude of joy and well-being.’
‘I love to live.’
‘I forgive myself.’
‘I always rest calmly in my center.’
‘My heart leaps for joy.’
‘I love everything that is.’
‘I love that life is change.’
‘I have the optimal body temperature.’
‘I am love.’
‘I am open to new experiences.’
‘Joy is within me.’
‘My life is awareness.’
‘I neither criticize myself nor others.’
‘I am agile in life.’
‘I digest life with ease.’
‘My life is filled with resilience and strength.’
‘I feel safe in contact with others.’
‘I am generous.’
‘Peace is within me.’
‘My relationships are balanced.’
‘I trust myself as the Goddess/God that I am.’
‘My meridians communicate with each other and with my aura, my chakras and my glands.’
Secondary chakras
‘There is only life with me.’
‘I move forward in life.’
‘I am humble.’
‘The source nourishes me.’
‘I am in joy.’
‘I live with devotion, gentleness and holiness.’
‘I tackle life with strength.’
‘Everything is done in my being.’
‘My life is trust in myself.’
‘The energies of the pure light beings and the Divine beings accompany my energetic systems.'
'My life thread is golden and connects me with the divine source. The source nourishes me. The source is me.'
'My secondary chakras communicate with each other and with my aura, my chakras, glands and meridians.'
'The pure beings of light accompany my being. The divine is in me, as the goddess/god that I am.'
'I look forward to my future. The change is always effective for a rich life in abundance.’
‘I experience my life as complete as it is.’
‘No existence without the divine.’
‘I make clear decisions in my life as a goddess/god.’
‘I conduct open and peaceful communication as a goddess/god.’
‘I enjoy living as a goddess/god.’
‘I focus my attention on the divine source.’
‘I allow others their independence.’
‘I digest life with ease.’
‘I am joy in everything.’
‘Devotion purifies as a goddess/god.’
‘I am at peace as a goddess/god.’
‘Independence empowers me as a goddess/god.’
‘I am open to new experiences.’
‘I am a Goddess/a god and adventurous.'
'Loving is joy in everything with me. 100% self-acceptance.'
'I am being in being.'
'My organs communicate with each other and with my aura, my chakras, glands, meridians and secondary chakras.'
'I am me.'
'I am connected or one with my higher self.'
'I live give and take in the balance of life.'
'Renewal is light in me as the goddess/god that I am.'
'My vertebrae and discs communicate with each other and with my aura, my chakras, glands, meridians, secondary chakras and organs.'
'This is stored under the now and the here.'