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Life is joy in every moment

Updated: Oct 1, 2024

The ease in dealing with life comes with devotion to this moment. It is impossible to be happy and have thoughts at the same time. Consciousness keeps away every impulse that moves in an opposite direction. Consciousness must be trained and attention must be kept to itself. With every thought, matter forms and shows itself in being. The more often thoughts move in one direction, the clearer the formations in matter appear. Through conscious work with light harmonization, a positive alignment is created and the person illuminates his being. Through the affirmation

"The light is in the here and now."

everything from the origin to far into the future is brought into the light and illuminated. For everyone it is a new way of dealing with the high vibration on earth. The new alignment can be experienced in every moment and so a reversal in the opposite direction is difficult to manifest and can only be achieved with increased effort. This affirmation makes it easy to reach the light in the opposite direction and eliminates the increased effort. The vibration of the earth has increased thanks to many people who have set out on the path of light. There are new possibilities in matter to set out on the path of light and they have been available since December 21, 2012, according to the Mayan prediction that a new era will begin in the time frame 2012 to 2032.

It is never too late to work with the affirmations of light harmonization

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