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Designing your own future

Updated: Oct 1, 2024

For some it is a delight and for others it is a new challenge to design your life consciously. The new design begins in the here and now so that it can be shown in matter. For the new design, a high vibration and being at one with yourself is not everything and it will not work that way. Additional components are needed for the design. For this new challenge, pure light beings accompany all my activities and increase the vibration and keep it up if further accompaniment by pure light beings is desired. Being at one with yourself means being attentive to yourself and enjoying life at the same time. With the new design, another possibility of designing your life is anchored in matter. Matter was not previously capable of being designed in this form. The ascended earth has only existed since December 21, 2012 and it was predicted in the Mayan prophecy for the years 2012 to 2032. Pure beings of light support this new era and are exclusively positive star beings from all universes. The vibration of the earth was raised for this new era. In the new era there are further possibilities for shaping one's being on earth. With a new form it is so easy to find oneself in life with ease and with joy the positive energies enter one's being. It is certainly a new habit to shape one's being yourself, but everything on earth has to be handled with a certain amount of habit. Stragnattion must be avoided and letting go of the old is the possibility in being that the new can emerge.

It is possible for everyone to shape their life consciously, so that it requires free will to want this. The old possibility is an unconscious matter and is also dependent on free will. In this case, a moment like a ship on the high seas can be taken as an example of the forces that work and influence being. A conscious action has the background of making use of the power of the forces. In the new form of design, the joy of everything that is is in the foreground. The others see something that they can see and the conscious state of being is switched off. For others, what they see with the feeling of happiness and joy is a different orientation of being insofar as what is seen reflects joy and according to the law of the Divine Source, what comes to you is also joy.

With the new orientation, there is also the possibility of behaving unconsciously, which appears to be normal on the outside. For those people, however, it is a high level of attention to themselves. The same conditions are therefore viewed differently in appearance. For the conscious person, the orientation is always to love everything that is. So it is now impossible to give yourself unconsciously and at the same time to experience yourself consciously. For everyone, the point of awareness will bring new things and old things will be let go. This newness is above all the opportunity to give yourself joyfully to life and to experience it, to shape it with your soul, which supports all activities and in doing so approaches the Divine Source, which can work when you are with yourself. The new orientation is also a new orientation towards the positive, which points towards recovery. The pain is a sign for the physical body to reorient itself. With the new orientation, old things are let go.

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